

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Halliburton is moving to Dubai and other ramblings...

What does Otis say?

Otis says "Be here now."

I was "let go" (euphenism for "FIRED!!!") in January. After my initial shock and awe ( and reading about a women who was fired by Woody Allen in a play he was directing, who's gone on to write a book, a play, a movie, etc. about being fired by Woody Allen) I'm thinking it's okay. I'm really okay with it. I have an occasional panic when I realize I'm not 20 years old, a computer/animation/web/mobile technology whiz kid with no social skills and jobs being handed out like candy. Oh I'm not of the male species either. And I'm blond. With some gray. And after the panic subsides, I muse: "Think of the possibilities."

So the news is Halliburton is moving its world headquarters to Dubai. Hmmmm........ Do you think maybe the public should get an accounting and proof of all the work they've actually completed in Iraq before they leave? Will they take Cheney with them?

Congress keeps asking for various White House folks to be fired for this and that. Except for the main guy. Wonder why.

General Peter Pace says he won't apologize for his remarks on gays. Says they're immoral and he can't support/condone immoral activity any more than he can support/condone adultery. First, has anyone ever heard of someone being discharged from the military for having an affair? Since "Don't ask, don't tell" was made into law (Way to go Clinton), the GAO reports that about 10,000 service personnel have been discharged, including 54 Arabic specialists. (Do you think Bush is trying to figure out how to reinstate these specialists considering the debacle in Iraq?) And second, many people believe the war in Iraq is immoral. Does Pace (which means "peace" in Italian) believe the war should not be supported? If "A" is immoral and should not be condoned, shouldn't it stand to reason that if "B" is immoral, that it should also not be condoned/supported? Simple logic.

What happened to Russ Feingold?

Read Baghdad Burning by Riverbend.